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How To Write Strong Thesis Statements For Persuasive Essays: Free Instructions

The success of a persuasive essay hinges on having a strong thesis statement. Because the entire paper is based on this statement, you can’t skimp on quality or strength. The thesis does several things for the reader, including:

  • Presenting the topic to your reader
  • Provides your standpoint for the topic
  • Summarizing the argument you make by offering the evidence supporting your viewpoint
  • Captures all the essential elements in only 1-2 sentences
  • Generally is located directly after the introduction of your topic, usually being the final sentence of the first paragraph.

Strategies for writing an effective thesis statement

  • Make sure you have a clear opinion, or strong stand one way or the other about your topic. Your statement must include a claim that’s possible to dispute. Otherwise it isn’t an argument. For example people are either for or against capital punishment; for or against abortion. If you chose the statement that purple is the best color, there really isn’t an argument able issue. Most people wouldn’t care. There are too many other colors to choose from. There is not enough passion in it.
  • Remain focused and make sure your statement is specific. General statements have too many variables and can neither be supported nor refuted effectively. The more detailed the better.
  • Make sure you have enough evidence to include so that you can strongly support your viewpoint as well as adequately present the opposing view. This shows readers you have done your work and are educated about the issues of both sides revolving around your statement. This step provides the evidence and credibility.
  • It should pass the test of how and why. When you give the supporting evidence, make sure these two questions are both fully answered. Otherwise you won’t be effective in persuading the reader to side with your viewpoint. If your reader can’t determine the how and why from your paper, the topic statement is too open-ended or general. It may take some refocusing and narrowing it down so it becomes more specific. This will allow you to better clarify your stance on the subject.
  • A well-constructed statement serves as a guiding light for your readers. It should highlight the reason you want them to keep reading. The statement is just what it says it is – a strong representation of what you believe is the best side of the argument. It should be convincing.

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